Library Clubs:
The library sponsors two clubs that are open to select 5th grade students who have a heart to help others and lead.
1. The News Crew: Students in the News Crew learn how to operate the equipment in the Hubenak News Studio to produce a live broadcast each morning. This broadcast aims to inform students and staff of current and upcoming events as well as pertinent information necessary for everyone's success.
2. V.I.S.A.: (Very Important Student Assistants): Students in the V.I.S.A. program help out in the library each morning from 7:00 to 7:25. They assist with a variety of tasks set forth by Mrs. Moats or Mrs. Buena.
The library hosts two book fairs each year. One in the fall and one in the spring. The proceeds from these book fairs help to buy books and pay for special author visits and programs.
Author Visits and Book Presentations from BOOKS ALIVE.
The library sponsors various voluntary reading programs throughout the school year, such as the Texas Bluebonnet Reading Program for third through fifth grade students and Raz Kids Reading Program for those younger. This year we have a District-wide reading program through Beanstack. This reading program is open to all students. It's easy to do. Everyday, after reading, students should click into BEANSTACK located on the ClassLink platform and log how many minutes they read. The district's goal is 10,000 minutes with all campuses combines. A letter competition never hurt anyone, so the district is tracking the minutes that each campus reads to share and compare. More information can be found in your child's Library Canvas Course or on this Library Website. Click the button to your left marked BEANSTACK.
COME ON HUSKIES...We have a lot of reading to do.
Library volunteers are an essential and valuable part of our library program. They help in the shelving of our library books, and keeping the library shelves straightened, as well as setting up for our fall and spring book fairs, and more. Thank you so much for your support.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Mrs. Moats.
Hubenak Library Volunteer Handbook
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